Explore the ZIP codes with the highest share of electric cars

By Erica Yee

The top 20 ZIP codes for percentage of electric cars are all in the Bay Area and Los Angeles/Orange counties. All are at least 75% white and/or Asian, and the top 10 have typical home values over $3 million.

Click one of the top 20 ZIPs to see details.

Bay Area
Los Angeles/Orange counties

Atherton, San Mateo County

14.2% of 6,261 cars are electric

Population: 7,213

Median household income: over $250,000

Zillow Home Value Index: $7.40 million

Bachelor’s degree or higher: 84.7%

Race/ethnicity: 68% White, 18.5% Asian, 8.8% Latino, 1.2% Black

Notes and sources

Note: Battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric and hydrogen fuel cell cars are considered electric cars in this analysis. Car counts are light-duty vehicle registrations as of 2021 DMV data compiled by the Energy Commission. Data for 2022 is expected April 2023. Only ZIP codes with 2021 American Community Survey population data and at least 1,000 residents are included. The Census does not break down median household income exceeding $250,000. Used by the postal service, ZIP codes do not have exact persistent geographical boundaries. The demographic data here comes from the Census Bureau's Zip Code Tabulation Areas, which are approximated by addresses. Zillow Home Value Index as of February 2023.